How Does Debt Counselling Work

Jy is een tree weg van skuldvry wees!

Die Debt Rescue Plan

Die Nasionale Kredietwet het formeel Skuldberading ingestel om verbruikers met oormatige skuld soos jy by te staan ​​deur 'n terugbetalingsplan te ontwikkel, wat vir jou bekostigbaar is sowel as aanvaarbaar vir al jou Kredietverskaffers.


Voltooi ons skuld analise!

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  • Bewys van inkomste
  • Bewys van verblyf
  • Lys van lewenskostes
Dis gratis en neem net 'n paar minute

Voltooi ons aanlyn skuld analise en verskaf die besonderhede rondom jou finansiele situasie.

  • ID Dokument
  • Bewys van inkomste
  • Bewys van verblyf
  • Lys van lewenskostes

Ons sal analiseer

en jou reddingsplan opstel

Jou skuldberader bepaal of jou maandelikse uitgawes en skuld jou maandelikse inkomste oorskry.


Jy sal onder Skuldberading
geplaas word

en beskerm word teen u krediteure

Ons sal al jou Kredietverskaffers en die Kredietburo’s inlig dat jy onder Skuldberading is.


Jy betaal 'n enkele, verlaagde terugbetaling

wat jy kan bekosting!

Ons sal jou betalingsplan herstruktureer en met jou kredietverskaffers onderhandel.


Die proses is afgehandel

Jou terugbetalingsplan word 'n hofbevel gemaak.

Ons spesialisprokureurs sal by die hof aansoek doen om jou herstruktureerde betalingsplan ‘n hofbevel te maak.

Terwyl jy Skuldberading ondergaan, sal jy beskerm word teen regstappe wat deur jou Kredietverskaffers geneem word en hoef jy net een maandelikse, bekostigbare verlaagde betaling te betaal, wat jou met genoeg geld vir jou maandelikse uitgawes laat.

Geniet 'n gelukkiger, stresvrye jy
Word skuldvry met Debt Rescue!

Versoek nou 'n gratis, persoonlike, geen verpligting skuldevaluering!

How Does Debt Counselling Work

Many South Africans are over-indebted and are grappling with similar challenges in today's current economic climate. They are finding it increasingly difficult to manage their finances as they try to keep up with the rising costs of essential goods and services.

Why Debt Counselling?

Debt counselling, introduced by the National Credit Act (NCA) in 2007, is a process designed to help over indebted South Africans become debt free in an affordable manner.

Reduced Monthly Repayments

Debt counselling allows South Africans to renegotiate payment terms with creditors, resulting in lower monthly payments. This is achieved by extending the loan periods, making it easier for you to manage your monthly expenses.

Debt Consolidation

Managing multiple payments to various creditors can be complicated and stressful. Debt counselling simplifies this by consolidating your debt into a single fixed repayment plan. This provides a clear timeline for when the debt will be paid off.

This can help with financial planning and gives a clear end date to your debt, unlike revolving credit accounts that can remain indefinitely if only minimum payments are made.

Legal Protection

Debt counselling legally protects you from creditors taking action against you (like repossessing assets or garnishing wages). This legal protection kicks in as soon as the debt counselling process starts and lasts until all the debts are settled.

Structured Debt Repayment Plan

Your debt counsellor will create a structured repayment plan that consolidates all of the debtor's repayments into a single, more manageable monthly payment. This plan is designed to ensure that essential living expenses are covered first, with the remainder going towards paying off debt.

Avoids Long Term Credit Score Damage

By effectively managing debt through debt counselling, individuals can avoid being sequestrated or having their credit score severely damaged. While under debt counselling, a flag will be noted on your credit profile, it is generally seen as a positive step towards managing your debt responsibly.

Financial Guidance and Support

Debt counselling provides individuals with financial advice and support throughout the process. This includes teaching budgeting skills and how to handle finances more effectively to avoid falling back into debt in the future.

How Does Debt Counselling Work

Step 1: Reach Out for Help

If you're finding it hard to keep up with your bills and debt payments, the first step is to contact a registered debt counsellor. This is someone who's trained and officially recognized to help people manage their debt.

Step 2: Get a Free Assessment

You'll need to give your debt counsellor details about your income, what you spend your money on each month, and all the debts you owe. This helps them understand your situation.

Step 3: Let the Debt Counsellor Do Their Work

If you decide the process is for you, your debt counsellor will tell your creditors (the people you owe money to) and the credit bureaus (the companies that track credit scores) that you're under debt counselling. This means you're trying to fix your debt situation, and during this time, you can't get more credit (like loans or new credit cards).

Step 4: Work Out a Payment Plan

Your debt counsellor will work out a new payment plan with your creditors. This plan might mean you pay less each month but for a longer time. The plan is made to fit what you can afford after covering your basic living costs.

Step 5: Make One Monthly Payment

Instead of paying each creditor separately, you'll make one monthly payment to a payment agency. This agency then pays your creditors for you. This makes it easier to manage your money and ensures you don't miss any payments.

Step 6: Keep in Touch and Adjust if Needed

Your debt counsellor might check in with you to see how things are going. If your financial situation changes, they can adjust your payment plan.

Step 7: Finish Strong and Clear Your Name

Once you've paid off all the debt under the counselling plan (except for your house loan if it's not included), your debt counsellor will give you a clearance certificate. This is your golden ticket that says you've paid your debts. Your credit record will also be updated to show you're not under debt counselling anymore, and you can start afresh with managing your finances


  • You're Protected:
    While you're under debt counselling, your creditors can't hassle you for payment or take legal action against you for the debts included in the plan.
  • There are Fees:
    There are some costs involved in debt counselling, but they're regulated and reasonable.
  • It's a Fresh Start:
    Successfully completing debt counselling can help you manage your money better in the future and avoid getting into the same situation again.

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Het jy enige vrae oor Skuldberading?

Het jy 'n brandende vraag? Blaai deur ons mees algemene vrae om meer te wete te kom oor Skuldhersiening.

Sodra jy die skuldberadingsproses voltooi het en al jou skuld ten volle vereffen is, sal jou skuldberader 'n skuldberading-klaringsertifikaat uitreik. Die skuldberadingsklaringsertifikaat dien as bewys dat u die skuldberadingsproses voltooi het en dat u nie meer onder skuldberading is nie. In sekere […]

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Skuldberading, is 'n skuldverligtingsmaatreël in Suid-Afrika wat verbruikers met oormatige skuld help om uit die skuld te kom. Die Nasionale Kredietwet (NCA) het die proses in 2007 ingestel om te verhoed dat verbruikers wat oorbelas is, op die swartlys geplaas word en die gevolge daarvan moet hanteer. Skuldberading het ’n reddingsboei geword vir baie Suid-Afrikaners […]

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Om jou gratis en geen verpligting skuldberadingsassessering te kry, is die eerste stap in die skuldberadingsproses. Die assessering bepaal of jy oorverskuldig is en dus vir skuldberading in aanmerking kom. 'n Skuldberader sal 'n deeglike assessering van jou finansiële situasie doen, met inagneming van jou inkomste, uitgawes en skuld. Tydens die assessering sal die skuld […]

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Skuldberadings wetgewing bepaal dat sodra 'n individu onder skuldberading is, hul skuldeisers nie regstappe teen hulle kan neem sonder toestemming van die hof nie. Hierdie wetlike beskerming word verskaf ingevolge die Nasionale Kredietwet (NCA) en is bedoel om verbruikers met oormatige skuld teen teistering en onbillike skuldinvorderingspraktyke te beskerm. […]

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Skuldberading is ’n reddingsboei vir Suid-Afrikaners wat weens onhanteerbare skuld sukkel om uit te kom. Aangesien almal se skuldberadingsplan verskil, sal die hoeveelheid tyd wat die proses neem om te voltooi van persoon tot persoon verskil. Na gelang van jou omstandighede kan dit tussen 3 tot 5 jaar neem om van al jou skuld ontslae te raak. […]

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Sodra jy die skuldberadingsproses voltooi het en al jou skuld ten volle vereffen is, sal jou skuldberader 'n skuldberading-klaringsertifikaat uitreik. Die skuldberadingsklaringsertifikaat dien as bewys dat u die skuldberadingsproses voltooi het en dat u nie meer onder skuldberading is nie. In sekere […]

Lees meer

Skuldberading, is 'n skuldverligtingsmaatreël in Suid-Afrika wat verbruikers met oormatige skuld help om uit die skuld te kom. Die Nasionale Kredietwet (NCA) het die proses in 2007 ingestel om te verhoed dat verbruikers wat oorbelas is, op die swartlys geplaas word en die gevolge daarvan moet hanteer. Skuldberading het ’n reddingsboei geword vir baie Suid-Afrikaners […]

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Om jou gratis en geen verpligting skuldberadingsassessering te kry, is die eerste stap in die skuldberadingsproses. Die assessering bepaal of jy oorverskuldig is en dus vir skuldberading in aanmerking kom. 'n Skuldberader sal 'n deeglike assessering van jou finansiële situasie doen, met inagneming van jou inkomste, uitgawes en skuld. Tydens die assessering sal die skuld […]

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Skuldberadings wetgewing bepaal dat sodra 'n individu onder skuldberading is, hul skuldeisers nie regstappe teen hulle kan neem sonder toestemming van die hof nie. Hierdie wetlike beskerming word verskaf ingevolge die Nasionale Kredietwet (NCA) en is bedoel om verbruikers met oormatige skuld teen teistering en onbillike skuldinvorderingspraktyke te beskerm. […]

Lees meer

Skuldberading is ’n reddingsboei vir Suid-Afrikaners wat weens onhanteerbare skuld sukkel om uit te kom. Aangesien almal se skuldberadingsplan verskil, sal die hoeveelheid tyd wat die proses neem om te voltooi van persoon tot persoon verskil. Na gelang van jou omstandighede kan dit tussen 3 tot 5 jaar neem om van al jou skuld ontslae te raak. […]

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Ons sien uit na die geleentheid om jou skuldvry te kry!

Het jy geweet?

Jy kan reeds jou aansoekproses begin. Dit is eenvoudig, laai jou assessering af of vul ons aanlyn aansoek in en kom een stap nader om skuldvry te word met Debt Rescue!

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