I have heard some negative rumours about Debt Counselling. Does Debt Counselling really work?

Debt Counselling evolved a great deal since it was launched by the NCA in June 2007. As is the case with the implementation of almost all new legislation, all the grey areas in the Act had to be found and tested in court in order for the Act to run smoothly. We are convinced that the industry has already reached the point where Debt Counselling is now running the way the legislator intended it to. We have successfully helped thousands of people since the inception of Debt Counselling back in 2007, and we are happy to see that more and more people are realising that the system works. So the answer is yes. Debt Counselling does work.

In some isolated cases there were bad apples in the industry in the form of Debt Counsellors who were in it for a quick buck. Most of these bad apples have since been worked out of the system, ensuring a dependable industry that is helping thousands of South Africans deal with their financial distress. South Africa has managed to bring Debt Counselling to a point where it is regarded as one of the most successful of its sorts in the world.

It is imperative that you choose the correct Debt Counsellor though, as we are of the opinion that there are still certain Debt Counsellors in the industry who do not possess the necessary skills, competence and experience to offer you the full benefits that Debt Counselling can provide.

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