Getting Your Free Credit Report

Your credit report is a record of your credit history. It contains detailed information on all accounts (present and past), your repayment history, current balances and any judgements taken against you.

Consumers are encouraged to regularly check their credit report for any incorrect information, and to keep track of personal financial information.

Acceptance of the terms

By accepting these terms and conditions, you expressly acknowledge, agree and give Debt Rescue (Pty) Ltd explicit consent to:

These terms and conditions provide a description of the service that Debt Rescue (Pty) Ltd provides through our website to enable you to obtain access to your free credit report and it explains how we collect and use your personal information.

Please take the time to read and understand these terms and conditions before you make use of this service and website, as they are legally binding. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions in their entirety you must not accept it and may not make use of this service and website.

Please take note that the use of this service and our website is at your own risk and free will and you herewith indemnify us and VeriCred Credit Bureau (Pty) Ltd from any liability when you make use of this service and our website.

If you accept these terms and conditions, you engage us as a service provider to provide you with the following services with your knowledge and explicit consent:

To obtain your free credit report from VeriCred Credit Bureau (Pty) Ltd on your behalf, to send it to you and to retain your credit information until the purpose for the collection and subsequent processing thereof is achieved.

To perform analysis and profiling actions on your credit information in order to identify and market certain debt management products that we might consider helpful and relevant to you through the use of third party platforms; including but not limited to email communications. The acceptance and use of these debt management products will be obligation free and you may therefore elect to decline any such offers at any time.

You understand and agree that you appoint us as your agent to retrieve and process your information and that we and VeriCred Credit Bureau (Pty) Ltd may rely on your acceptance of these terms and conditions for all actions in terms of the use of this service and website and you herewith indemnify us from any liability for the use and this service and our website.

You further confirm that you give your explicit consent that we may draw your credit report, for a prescribed purpose in terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 and that your personal information may be collected, processed, stored and deleted in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and that we may share your personal information with VeriCred Credit Bureau (Pty) Ltd for the purpose which you have consented to in terms hereof.

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Thank You!

We look forward to the opportunity to get you debt-free!

Did you know?

You can start your application process already. Simply download your assessment or fill in our online application and get one step closer to becoming debt-free with Debt Rescue!

Get a FREE Credit Report